
Wednesday, 26 August 2020

'Stop killing women

 The increased cases of violent crimes have put many women on guard and led to various campaigns against domestic violence.

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These have been difficult days. In truth, for us women, many days are difficult and painful because we still live in a context where, in one way or another, all types of violence against us are always excused. 

We want laws that protect us and are really applicable, we want public policies that bring respect of our humanity to debates and institutions. We want a society where we are not afraid of going out in the street! We will continue demanding a society where we have our freedom of being, of feeling, of walking and thinking how we want.

Portugal" Mulher é Espancada porque filha se esqueceu do passe ...

Violence against women is real, it really is. It is not something in the heads of feminists, it is not an invention or empty speech: IT IS REAL!

Violência doméstica - Um mal que enluta famílias - Sociedade ...

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