
Thursday 14 October 2021

Football coach jailed in Dubai for 25 years for drug dealing CBD oil

 A British football coach has been jailed for 25 years in Dubai after four bottles of vape liquid containing cannabis oil were found in his car.

Football coach jailed in Dubai for 25 years for drug dealing CBD oil

Billy Hood from Notting Hill, west London, was arrested on 31 January, shortly after moving to the country.

The 24-year-old claims he was forced to sign a confession written in Arabic despite not speaking the language.

The Foreign Office said it is “giving consular support to a British man who has been imprisoned” in Dubai.

Mr Hood, who played semi-professional football for Kensington and Ealing Borough FC, told campaign group Detained in Dubai police had unexpectedly turned up and demanded to search his home and car.

He told the group he was taken to a “police station and kept in an isolation cell for 14 days without any hygiene products”.

Mr Hood claimed the oil was left by a friend who had been visiting from England two weeks earlier.

But he claimed he was forced to sign a confession after being pressured by local law enforcement.

This month he was convicted by a court of drug trafficking with intent to supply.

Vaping cannabidiol (CBD) oil is legal in the UK and has become extremely popular – typically used to relieve pain, anxiety or stress.

The Foreign Office advise there is a “zero-tolerance for drugs-related offences” in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

“Forced and coerced confessions are commonplace in Dubai,” said Radha Stirling, chief executive of Detained in Dubai, who are representing the family.

Sentences for drug trafficking can include the death penalty and possession of even the smallest amount of illegal drugs can lead to a minimum four-year jail sentence.

Billy Hood with family memberIMAGE SOURCE,DETAINED IN DUBAI
Image caption,Billy Hood’s family are appealing to the UK and UAE government to intervene

In a statement to his lawyers Mr Hood said: “I have always had a zero-tolerance on any drugs or illegal substances.

“For me to be accused of promoting and selling drugs in a country that has the same beliefs and values as me is very upsetting as it affects my future.”

Mr Hood’s family are appealing to the UK and UAE government to intervene in the case.

Mr Hood’s mother Breda said: “I have hidden myself away, crying and crying when I imagine what our sweet boy is going through.

“It is the worst stress I’ve ever been through and I feel helpless.”

The UAE embassy has been approached for comment.


Second UN official recalled from Ethiopia

 The United Nations (UN) has recalled a second senior figure from its operations in Ethiopia over controversial remarks about the war in the country’s north, in a move that could deepen already troubled relations with the government in Addis Ababa.

Second UN official recalled from Ethiopia

The UN’s population fund head, Dennia Gayle, is the second top official to be recalled this week.

She follows the international body’s migration chief, Maureen Achieng, who was put on administrative leave.

It is after both women complained about figures within the UN who they said were sympathetic towards rebel forces in Tigray in a leaked audio clip.

The UN migration office in Ethiopia has told the BBC that Ms Achieng “shared personal opinions that were not reflective” of their values.

In an interview with a pro-government writer the two women accused recent emergency coordinators sent by the UN of side-lining their office in Ethiopia and suggested there is a power struggle within the international body.

The Ethiopian government has a fraught relationship with aid agencies including the UN which accused it of blocking aid to Tigray.

Last week, seven UN officials were expelled by the government after it said they meddled in its internal affairs.

However, UN Secretary General Antònio Guterres rejected the accusations saying he had not seen any evidence for them.

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IMF chief Georgieva speaks out after allegations of data manipulation

 Washington, Oct. 13, (dpa/GNA) – Following allegations of data manipulation in favour of China, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, plans to make a public statement on Wednesday.

IMF chief Georgieva speaks out after allegations of data manipulation
The scandal is likely to overshadow Georgieva regularly scheduled press conference at the joint annual meeting of the World Bank and IMF in Washington.

World Bank chief David Malpass is also due to take questions from journalists ahead of her statement. Later, the finance ministers of the G20 countries are due to meet.

The IMF Executive Board had given Georgieva its “full confidence” on Monday evening after eight meetings to examine the allegations – thus preventing a change at the top of the IMF.

Georgieva was accused of influencing a key country ranking in favour of China at her previous top post at the World Bank in 2017. She allegedly put pressure on staff to prevent China from slipping in the World Bank’s business climate index.

Georgieva, 68, a Bulgarian and former EU commissioner who has headed the IMF since the end of 2019, has always denied the allegations of manipulation.

For the World Bank and the IMF, the alleged manipulation of data is a serious accusation.

The independent and apolitical collection and compilation of international data is part of the Washington-based organizations’ core business. Their data is often also a basis for far-reaching decisions.


Russia denies weaponising energy amid Europe gas crisis

 Russia has denied using energy as a political weapon, amid surging prices across Europe that have sent gas bills in many households skyrocketing.

Russia denies weaponising energy amid Europe gas crisis

Russia, one of Europe’s biggest natural gas providers, has been accused of intentionally withholding supplies.

President Vladimir Putin said such claims were “complete rubbish… and politically motivated tittle-tattle”.

The European Commission has been outlining measures member states can take to combat rising prices.

The wholesale price of gas has increased by 250% since January, triggering a knock-on spike in costs for consumers and businesses.

Energy prices have hit record highs for various reasons, including high demand for natural gas as economies recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at an energy forum in Moscow, Russia. Photo: 13 October 2021IMAGE SOURCE,REUTERS
Image caption,President Putin said Russia was ready to provide more gas to Europe if requested

‘There is no refusal, none’ – Putin

Speaking at a Moscow energy forum on Wednesday, President Putin blamed the current crisis on Europe, saying that after a cold winter Europeans had not pumped sufficient volumes of gas into storage facilities.

He said it was “very important” to “suggest a long-term mechanism to stabilise the energy market”.

Mr Putin stressed that Gazprom, Russia’s gas giant, was supplying gas to Europe at maximum levels under existing contracts, and was ready to provide more if requested.

“We will increase by as much as our partners ask us. There is no refusal, none,” he said.

Analysis box by Steve Rosenberg, Moscow correspondent

Europe’s gas crisis has multiple causes: from a shortfall in renewable energy to low gas stocks after a cold winter. Plus, a surge in demand as countries emerge from the pandemic.

But could another factor be Russia?

In recent weeks Moscow has faced accusations that it has contributed to the crisis and forced gas prices higher by declining to supply additional gas to Europe.

“Politically motivated tittle-tattle,” says President Putin.

But the International Energy Agency believes Russia could do more to increase gas availability to Europe.

Kremlin critics suspect it is using the crisis to fast track European approval for Russia’s controversial new pipeline.

When European regulators sign the paperwork, Nord Stream 2 will carry natural gas from Russia to Germany, bypassing Ukraine.

Opponents of the pipeline believe it is a political project designed to increase Europe’s dependency on Russian energy. Supporters insist it will provide Europe with a cheaper and more efficient supply of gas.

On Wednesday, Vladimir Putin insisted Nord Stream 2 was “a commercial project”.

That was followed by a not so subtle hint. The president said he was “100% certain” that if the pipeline was functioning, that would ease Europe’s energy problems.

What about the new EU measures?

Earlier on Wednesday, the European Commission’s energy chief, Kadri Simson, said the EU’s executive was responding to calls for urgent action by unveiling an “energy price toolbox”.

The toolbox outlines steps member states can take to reduce energy bills in their countries without breaching EU law. It mostly confirms the measures national governments can already use, but considers what more the Commission can do.

Ms Simson said member states were best placed to ease the burden of rising energy prices as winter approaches.

She urged them to consider emergency income support for vulnerable households, state aid for companies, and targeted tax reductions.

She also advised member states to temporarily pause bill payments where necessary, and put in place safeguards to avoid disconnections from the grid.

“Rising global energy prices are a serious concern for the EU,” Ms Simson said. “As we emerge from the pandemic and begin our economic recovery, it is important to protect vulnerable consumers and support European companies.”

On top of those measures, Ms Simson said the Commission would look into the possible benefits of EU countries jointly buying natural gas.

She said countries could collectively buy gas to form a strategic reserve. But, like the joint scheme to buy Covid vaccines, participation would be voluntary.

The idea was proposed recently by governments that want more EU intervention, such as Spain.

All member states were encouraged to use the EU’s €750bn (£636bn; $867bn) Covid-19 recovery fund to invest in clean energy to meet the bloc’s climate targets.

“We are not facing a surge because of our climate policy,” Ms Simson said. “Fossil fuel prices are spiking. We need to speed up the green transition, not slow it down.”


South Africa launches initiative to attract tourists

 Johannesburg, Oct. 13, (Xinhua/GNA) – South Africa has launched its Global Advocacy Program in hopes of attracting tourists from the country’s target markets.

South Africa launches initiative to attract tourists

The program was initiated by the Department of Tourism, South African Tourism (SA Tourism) and the Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA), following protracted damaging narratives and misinformation reported globally about South Africa.

“We are going to embark on a strategic yet direct approach to our markets to ensure that consumers, trade partners and the global media are truthfully informed about the memorable and affordable, easy accessibility and safety factors that come with traveling to South Africa in this COVID-19 environment,” said Minister of Tourism Lindiwe Sisulu.

She said that they have briefed various missions and embassies about the COVID-19 situation in the country and what they have done, adding that the country wanted to tell the world that they are ready to welcome them for leisure and business events.
The TBCSA CEO Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa said the plan is to disseminate the correct information about the country and reignite tourism.

“Our inbound tourism recovery is dependent on the attractiveness of our brand as a tourist destination.

The Global Advocacy Program will help to rebuild our country’s brand and this will ultimately attract more tourists to visit our beautiful country. The recovery and re-imagination of tourism in South Africa will benefit with the successful implementation of this programme globally,” said Tshivhengwa.

South Africa has recently been taken off the red lists of key markets such as the USA, Netherlands, UK, as well as Germany, which will serve as a major boost for the struggling tourism sector.


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