
Sunday, 7 June 2020

Situação pré-coronavírus. Mais de quatro milhões desempregados em Angola.

Situação pré-coronavírus. Angola conta com mais de quatro milhões de desempregados.

Angola: Jovens desempregados questionam políticas do Governo ...

Desde que o Estado angolano decretou o estado de emergência, hotéis fecharam as portas, centenas de pessoas perderam empregos, muitos jovens perderam entrevistas já agendadas, dezenas de pessoas morreram de fome, os crimes aumentaram e os restaurantes reduziram a produção porque não devem, por enquanto, ter clientes nos seus espaços.

Segundo uma nota do Instituto Nacional de Estatística, a que a Angop teve acesso em Março de 2020, a população desempregada com 15 ou mais anos, estimada em 4.627.158 pessoas, aumentou em 8,3% (356.053 pessoas) em relação ao terceiro trimestre de 2019 (4.271.105 cidadãos).

As mulheres continuam a ser mais afetadas pelo desemprego do que os homens, com uma taxa de 33,5% contra 30% para os homens, e a taxa de desemprego na área urbana (42,6%) é cerca de três vezes superior à da área rural (17.0%).

Angolanos desempregados e em “situação precária” questionam ...

Nos últimos dois meses, extinguiram-se cerca de 4 mil postos de trabalho em Angola e os setores da hotelaria e da restauração estão à beira da falência, devido à pandemia. Estes factores levam sindicatos a pedir fundo de desemprego. A DW África, conta que nestes dois meses de estado de emergência as dificuldades são imensas para as empresas, porque a restauração não está autorizada a voltar ao funcionamento normal, como está a ocorrer com os outros setores.

The history of the company Talentos Multiplus


Talentos, LLC is the first Angolan private_youth-led non-profit online organization and a prominent cloud services provider that produces different philanthropic activities in form of online webisodes.


We are relentless innovators, chosen to develop, test, and implement solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges in six focus areas: education, environment and climate change, gender equality and human rights, zero hunger, poverty alleviation, and public health.

We are the first and only multifunctional digital startup, with a mega platform focused on the socio-economic development of Africa whose products cover the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations.

Our mission

We intend to create a community cooperative with a sustainable activity model that empowers women living below the poverty line. Since 2019, we have been promoting and developing sustainable community development projects with great Social Impact bringing awareness about illiteracy among women and girls, Covid-19 consequences, social and digital integration and inclusion, environment, climate change, education and combating hunger and poverty in Angola.


Our work target youth around the world - the next generation of consumers and change-makers - to show that sustainable living is easy, cool and fun.

We create community campaigns that generate real business results and helps our target market leap ahead of their competitors. 

Talentos Multiplus Web Services is a comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform. The company was originally personal blog, online news and a book seller but intendes to be expanded to produce a wide variety of consumer goods, reusable items and digital media products as well. 

Talentos Multiplus is headquartered in Luanda, Angola. The company has individual websites and is planning to have  fulfillment centers in many locations around the world.

The Multi Talents company was founded by its owner Engineer Sofonie Doroteia  Manuel Dala in December 2019 in Luanda, Angola. Officially registered in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in  July 2020, to play a major role in the modernization of the Republic of  Angola. 

The company  started as an online blog and marketplace for books, entertainments,  breaking news and online education for out of school women, girls and disabled  people. In the future the company will be expanded to commerce and  produce other items. 

S.D. Multi Talents is a multifaceted start-up that will offer a myriad of  services and products across trading, engineering, oil and gas,  mining, consulting, education, digital media, TI, marketing, digital, social,  climate change, environmental, agricultural and food solutions, human development and other  services. Currently, the company is a sole proprietorship and online  based with a small office where the founder develops ideas. 

So far, the company operates as self-funded without receiving any profit yet.

Our start up operates on a sliding scale program donation. We are looking for donors, investors, sponsors and any kind of support that you can offer.

Finding opportunities where others don’t.

Apelo por Escolas Seguras e Sustentáveis no Âmbito Climático || Call for Safe and Climate-Friendly Schools in Angola

Assunto: Apelo por Escolas Seguras e Sustentáveis no Âmbito Climático Excelentíssima Senhora Vice-Presidente da República de Angola,  Espera...