
Friday 12 July 2024

World Population Day 2024 - To Leave No One Behind, Count Everyone

 To Leave No One Behind, Count Everyone

World Population Day, observed every year on July 11, is a significant occasion dedicated to raising awareness about global population issues. Established by the United Nations Development Programme in 1989, this day aims to highlight the importance of population dynamics and their impacts on sustainable development.

Highlighting Luisa’s Story

We are featuring the story of Luisa, a courageous woman who has faced immense challenges. Luisa has lost a significant number of her babies under five years old due to women's health problems like hepatitis B and the debilitating effects of poverty. The lack of financial resources to overcome life’s challenges has also made it difficult for her to keep all her children constantly in school. Luisa’s story is a poignant reminder of the urgent need to address women's health issues and provide adequate support for those in vulnerable situations.


Hello, good evening!

My name is Luiza Dembo João.

Miss How Are you?

I'm fine, thank you very much.

Do you consider yourself a woman living below the poverty line?

Yes, I do not have good financial conditions.

Could you tell us a little about the difficulties you face as a woman?

I face various kinds of difficulties in this poor country that we live in. People are always suffering from poverty, food parcel are always going up (very expensive) and the poor cannot buy.

How is your financial life going?

My financial life is not so good. For example, today if I have a job it is thanks to my aunt who took me in and invited me to work with her in a small snack bar that she opened, we cook lunches and serve the local community in this area.

Do you have higher education?

No, I don't have higher education.

Why didn't you reach this level?

Because I have no financial possibilities, I stopped studying in the 8th grade.

What are the main family difficulties you face due to lack of financial resources?

Well, I face many serious financial difficulties in my family.

Tell us a little about your maternal life. Have you ever encountered difficulties during pregnancy? Have you ever had an abortion or other complications due to lack of funds to look for the best doctors and the best hospitals?

Yes, I have been through these events. My husband doesn't have a good job either, so we're going through a lot of difficulties.

My first daughter, thank God, was born healthy, but my second baby had a problem with hepatitis B, and because of the lack of financial resources on my part, I couldn't go to the prenatal consultation and do all the analyzes to have a healthy pregnancy. My son was born with hepatitis B transmitted by me. I went through many difficulties, there was no way to fight this disease and cure my baby. Unfortunately, my baby passed away.

How many children do you have now?

I now have 5 children.

Were you able to solve the problem of the disease you had?


When I became pregnant with my third baby, I was diagnosed with hepatitis B, my family contributed some money that allowed me to treat this disease. I started doing all the consultations and treatment before the baby was born.Thank God I had a healthier pregnancy, when my baby was born he took the vaccine, my relatives helped me a lot with the contribution of money to pay in the hospital. My baby and I have taken all the recommended vaccines, today we are healthy, my baby is 3 years old and is in good health.

How many children have you lost?

I lost 3 children.

Have you lost 3 children due to Hepatitis B?


Did you only find out now that you had this disease?

Yes, I just found out now.

Before, you hadn't made this discovery because you weren't making the prenatal check-ups regularly?

Yes, I didn't use to do consultations. Whenever I got pregnant, I didn't usually visit the hospitals because I didn't have money to do the ultrasound, prenatal consultations to find out how the baby was doing, that's why my babies were born sick and died.

Tell us about the job you have now. Is this job a thriving one that allows you to do great things in life or not at all?

This work is more or less, it's not so prosperous, because our kitchen is new, we don't have many customers yet. It would be great if I had another job with a higher salary.

Do your children study?

Yes they study, but...

Haven't you been facing difficulties in paying your children's school fees?

Yes, we have many difficulties. For example, my first daughter is 16 years old, we enrolled her in a school where she is studying medicine. But since she started studying, we have only been able to pay for 2 months, the others until the end of the school year we have not been able to pay, for this reason she runs the risk of not continuing with her studies because her name will not be on the list of finalists.

With other minor daughters it is also the same thing, we find it difficult to pay school fees regularly. The money my husband and I earn is enough for daily consumption, buying food and water. But it is not enough to pay the tuition fees.

So has your financial hardship negatively affected children's lives as well?

Yes, it affects my children very negatively indeed.

And for now, you can't find solutions to solve this problem, other than finding a job with a very high salary?

I can find no solution to my Poverty other than a very high-paying job.

But is finding a job with a very high salary difficult at this time?
Yes, it's true.

Moreover, my husband also does not prosper, he does not have a good salary. We do not have a house, we have been living for 11 years in a small log cabin, we have large land but we are not able to build due to lack of financial resources.

Alright, thank you very much.

  • Our Commitment to Women’s Empowerment and Health
  • This day underscores the critical need to prioritize women's health, education, and empowerment as central to achieving sustainable development and ensuring a better future for all. Women’s reproductive health and the associated risks, especially in the context of overpopulation trends, are paramount issues that need urgent attention.
  • At our female platforms, we are deeply committed to the empowerment of all women, ensuring that no one is left behind. Our mission is to create spaces where women can share their stories, experiences, and challenges, fostering a community of support and growth. We focus on critical issues such as women's reproductive health, the risks of maternal mortality, and the impacts of overpopulation.
  • The Importance of Women’s Reproductive Health

    Women’s reproductive health is a cornerstone of gender equality and sustainable development. Addressing the risks associated with maternal mortality, improving access to healthcare, and providing education on reproductive health are crucial steps in empowering women and ensuring their well-being. Overpopulation trends further exacerbate these challenges, making it even more critical to invest in comprehensive health solutions.

    Call to Action

    On this World Population Day, let us renew our commitment to women's empowerment and health. Let us work together to create a world where every woman has the opportunity to reach her full potential, without any barriers. By investing in women and girls, we invest in a brighter, more equitable future for all.

    Join Us

    Join us in celebrating World Population Day 2024 by visiting our platforms and engaging with the stories of incredible women like Luisa from around the world. Together, we can make a difference, ensuring that every woman's voice is heard and valued.

Did you know?

  • More than 40 per cent of women around the world cannot make decisions on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.
  • As few as one in four women across low- and middle income countries are realizing their desired fertility.
  • A woman dies every two minutes due to pregnancy or childbirth (and in conflict settings, the number of deaths is twice as high).
  • Nearly one third of women have experienced intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence or both.
  • Just six countries have 50 per cent or more women in parliament.
  • More than two thirds of the 800 million people globally who cannot read are women.

African Anti-Corruption Day

 Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanism 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, on this auspicious occasion of African Anti-Corruption Day, we gather under the banner of Talentos Multiplus, an organization dedicated to promoting gender equality, defending human rights, advocating for environmental justice, quality and accessible education, fighting against poverty, discrimination, and corruption in all spheres. We proudly align ourselves with the UN Global Compact and uphold its ten principles, which guide our commitment to responsible business practices and societal development.

As we reflect on the significance of this day, we are reminded that corruption remains a formidable obstacle to progress, prosperity, and justice. The COVID-19 pandemic has unfortunately exacerbated this challenge, highlighting the critical need for robust anti-corruption measures and accountability frameworks across the globe.

Good afternoon! My name is Donaldo Pereira. Today I am here to talk about how the Coronavirus affected me.

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted me in various ways. As a student, I lost access to the media library and library, and it became difficult to take transport to reach the University without delay.

Socially, it significantly affected my work. Arriving at the workplace early has been challenging due to the scarcity of taxicabs. Additionally, the pandemic has brought several issues, such as traders taking advantage of the situation to raise prices, making it hard to buy products, and people not using precautionary measures correctly, like wearing masks.

I believe our government should implement tougher preventive measures. Fining people is not the ideal solution; instead, stricter measures should be created to make people aware of the consequences of their actions.

Learn more:

The year 2024 marks twenty-one years since the adoption of the AU Convention on Preventing and Combatting Corruption (AUCPCC). This milestone offers us an opportunity to acknowledge the commendable progress made in addressing corruption, while also recognizing the persistent challenges that demand our continued vigilance and action.

Under the theme of "Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanism: A Critical Tool in the Fight Against Corruption," we underscore the pivotal role of whistleblowers in exposing corruption and safeguarding our societies. Article 5(5) of the Convention emphasizes the importance of protecting informants and witnesses, crucial pillars in our collective effort to root out corruption.

At Talentos Multiplus, we commend the efforts of state parties who have implemented legislation and initiatives to support whistleblowers. We advocate for even stronger protections to ensure that those who come forward with information are shielded from retaliation and empowered to contribute fearlessly to transparency and integrity.

Today, let us reaffirm our commitment to combating corruption in all its forms. Let us stand together in solidarity with whistleblowers, recognizing them as frontline defenders of accountability and justice. Through our unwavering dedication to these principles, we can build a future where corruption has no place, and where every individual can thrive in a fair and equitable society.

Thank you.

Sofonie Dala 

Talentos Multiplus - CEO

11 July 2024

A Successful Conclusion to the Free-Plastic Ocean and Sustainable Fishing Campaign

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