
Monday, 20 June 2022

King Mundume statue to be set up this year


Ondjiva - The erection of the statue of King Mandume Ya Ndemufaho, sovereign of Kwanhama, previously conditioned by financial unavailability for the costs of the transportation of the piece from Spain to Angola, will be effective this year.

The statue will be installed in Ondjiva's central square, in the city centre, where King Mandume installed his Embala (Royal Palace) during his reign.

The information was advanced, this Sunday, by the Vice-President of the Republic, Bornito de Sousa, highlighting that special attention is being given to the pedestal monument, where the statue of King Mandume riding on a horse will be placed.

"We believe that in a short period of time we will have this monument installed there, constituting a reference point for visitors," he said.

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