
Tuesday, 17 August 2021


 Luanda - The loans granted to the real economy, under Notice 10/20, total 578.19 billion kwanzas, or the equivalent of USD 905.37 million.

Feira do Ambriz

According to the National Bank of Angola, by July of this year a total of 284 credits had been disbursed to the real economy, of which 205 with effective disbursements.

Since the publication of BNA's Notice 10/20, the amount disbursed by commercial banks up until July totalled Kz 326.82 billion, representing an increase of 30.83 billion kwanzas (10.42 percent) against June 2021.

During the period in question, the amount approved by the banking sector, corresponded to 324.77% of the minimum amount to be granted until the end of 2021, with the amount actually disbursed representing 183.57%.

Of the amount disbursed large companies stand out with 59.17% (193.40 billion kwanzas), followed by medium sized companies with 38.53% (125.92 billion kwanzas) and small and micro companies with 1.83% (5.98 billion kwanzas) and 0.47% (1.53 billion kwanzas), respectively.

But in terms of numbers of projects with credits designed, the BNA highlights initiatives of medium-sized companies with 48% (95 ), followed by small with 24% (47 ), large with 16% (31 ) and 14% (27 ) for micro-enterprises.


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